1. 參Cicero, Tusc. Disp. 3.53。
2. 有關哥林多的資料,古代的記述以第一世紀的史得寶(Strabo)和第二世紀的蒲松尼(Pausanias)為主,二人都曾經親自到過哥林多。有關哥林多的考古發掘結果,參 Corinth: Results of Excavations Conducted by the American School of Classical Studies at Athens, 18 volumes (Princeton: Princeton University Press, 1929-1997); 亦參James Wiseman, The Land of the Ancient Corinthians, Studies in Mediterranean Archaeology v.50 (Göteborg: Åström, 1978); Murphy-O'Connor, St. Paul's Corinth: Text and Archaeology (Collegeville: Liturgical Press, 2002)。
3. T. L. Carter,“`Big Men' in Corinth,”Journal for the Study of the New Testament 66 (1997): 45-71, 特別頁53。
4. Thiselton, The First Epistle to theCorinthians, 4。
5. Barclay, Thessalonica and Corinth, 56。
6. 參Wayne A. Meeks, The First Urban Christians: The Social World of the Apostle Paul (New Haven: Yale University Press, 1987), 54;亦參John K. Chow,“Patronage in Roman Corinth,”Paul and Empire: Religion and Power in Roman Imperial Society, edited by Richard A. Horsely (Harrisburg: Trinity International Press, 1997), 104-
7. 腓羅在其作品中提及哥林多有散居的猶太人,參Philo, Leg. ad. Gaium 36; 十九世紀在哥林多出土一塊希臘文碑文上,依稀可見「猶太人會堂」一語。
8. 參Bruce W. Winter, Philo and Paul amongthe Sophists: Alexandrian and CorinthianResponses to a Julio-Claudian Movement,2nd edition (Grand Rapids: Eerdmans,2002)7-8, 109-140。
9. 參Donald Engels, Roman Corinth: An Alternative Mode for the Classical City (Chicago: University of Chicago Press,1990), 93-105。
10. 參Bruce W. Winter, Divine Honours for theCaesars: The First Christians' Responses(Grand Rapids: Eerdmans, 2015), 196-225
11. 以拉都(Erastus)的名字見於公元一世紀的碑文,以拉丁文寫以拉都捐獻建築部分。不少學者認為這以拉都是哥林多城的財務官,也是保羅福音的果子。
12. Meeks, The First Urban Christians, 70-72;Abraham J. Malherbe, Social Aspects of Early Christianity (Philadelphia: FortressPress, 1983), 29-30。
13. 參Strabo, Geographia, 8.6.23。
14. 公元一世紀, 名叫基連拿各洛斯(Crinagoros)的希臘詩人就諷刺哥林多專收容一無是處、一貧如洗的奴隸。見Fitzmyer, First Corinthians, 32。
15. 參Edwin Judge,“Social Identity”211,亦見Chow,“Patronage in Roman Corinth”。
16. 參Torsten Jantsch,“`Control over HerHead' (1 Cor 11,10): Prophetic Inspirationas Background of 1 Cor 11,2-16,”Paul's Graeco-Roman Context, edited by CilliersBreytenbach (Leuven: Peeters, 2015), 401-414。
17. 公元前一世紀的西塞羅(Cicero, In Verrem1.1.1)引用民間的講法說:「法庭一定不會判富人有罪。」公元一世紀的狄奧屈修彤(Dio Chrysostom, Or. 8.9)指哥林多無數的律師屈枉正義。公元二世紀的阿布尼奧(Apuleius, Metam. 10.33)說:「今日所有的法官會為錢而判案。」
18. 參Bruce W. Winter,“Civil Litigation inSecular Corinth and the Church: The Forensic Background to 1 Corinthians 6.1-8,”New Testament Studies 37 (1991): 559-572。